Angelica Lopez-Tucker


Angelica Lopez-Tucker is an undergraduate student at Barnard College, double majoring in Neuroscience and Human Rights. From a young age, Angelica always had an interest in both science and social justice and how these fields intersect. During her senior year of high school, Angelica cultivated a research project that examined the impact of stereotype threat on the academic confidence of students of color in predominantly white institutions. Now, Angelica is further expanding on her curiosities surrounding the intersectionalities between neuroscience and diversity equity and inclusion at Barnard College of Columbia University as a research assistant at the FABLab. Currently, she is working on a research project that examines the impact of perceived racism on hippocampal cellularity. In addition, she is part of Barnard Student Government Equity Committee and the Barnard Science Pathways Scholars Program. In her spare time, Angelica enjoys singing, writing, crafting, dancing, and is a member of Columbia University’s Onyx Dance Troupe.

Columbia Affiliations
Barnard College